Covid-19 / Important Updates For The Travelers To Turkey

Lahor Başkonsolosluğu 06.09.2021

As of 4th of September 2021, following measures will be applied to the passengers who are travelling from Pakistan to Turkey or those who have been in Pakistan within last 14 days before their arrival in Turkey:

All passengers must submit negative PCR test result taken at most 72 hours before their arrival.

Those who certify that they have had at least two doses (single dose for Johnson & Johnson) of the vaccines approved for emergency use by the World Health Organization or Turkey and that at least 14 days have passed since the last dose will be exempted from mandatory quarantine application.

Those who cannot submit the abovementioned certificate, will be quarantined in their residence or the address they will declare. They will be subjected to PCR test on the 10

day of the quarantine, and;

-If PCR test result is negative, the quarantine will be terminated.

-For those who do not have PCR test on the 10
day, the quarantine period will be extended to 14 days.

-If PCR test result is positive, treatment will be conducted in line with pandemic guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

Passengers under the age of 12 will be exempted from PCR test and vaccination certificate applications.

Aircraft and ship crew, seafarers and truck/lorry drivers will be exempted from PCR test and quarantine requirements.

Respectfully announced.


Pazartesi - Cuma

09.00 - 13.00 / 14.00 - 17.00

Konsolosluk Başvuru Kabul Saatleri: 09.30-12.30 Konsolosluk ve Vize Konuları için:
5.02.2022 5.02.2022 Keşmir Günü
23.03.2022 23.03.2022 Pakistan Günü
1.05.2022 1.05.2022 İşçi Bayramı
3.05.2022 5.05.2022 Ramazan Bayramı
10.07.2022 12.07.2022 Kurban Bayramı
7.08.2022 8.08.2022 Aşure Günü
14.08.2022 14.08.2022 Bağımsızlık Günü
9.10.2022 9.10.2022 Mevlid Kandili
29.10.2022 29.10.2022 Cumhuriyet Bayramı
25.12.2022 25.12.2022 Cinnah Günü